Demonstratieproject herindeling en herinrichting van stedelijke gebieden (in de gemeenten Eindhoven en Rijswijk). Opzet voor het onderzoekprogramma in de naperiode van het onderzoek verkeersveiligheid.

Kraay, J.H. Janssen, S.T.M.C. & Wittink, R.D.

The demonstration project reconstruction and redivision of residential areas was started in 1976. The SWOV has at that time set up a research programme for the project. Thereafter before and after studies have been made in Eindhoven en Rijswijk. The demonstration project is now realised and the SWOV has set up a research programme for a general after study. In this report the research programme is presented. It is shown why certain parts of the research are considered and why some extensions were necessary.


Library number
B 22166 [electronic version only] /21/72/ IRR 269922

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 34 p. + 3 ap p., fig., tab., ref. R-82-40.

SWOV publication

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