Design and Optimization Approaches to Provide a Frame for Designer in theVehicle Development Phase with the Focus on Enhanced Safety.

Ozturk, F. Ozturk, N. Kaya, N. & Karen, I.

The safety of a vehicle is today of great importance for the automotive industry. The light weight vehicle designs are to increase in worldwide over the next years with respect to environmental and road safety regulationsto make surface transport safer and more effective. The vehicle design models are usually complex in nature and nonlinear in terms of computationalissues. The design and optimization in the area of transport are usually challenging tasks due to the highly nonlinear behaviour of structural parts with respect to durability, crashworthiness and vehicle dynamics issues.The design optimization process is usually limited by the excessive costly computational requirements in case of nonlinear model simulations and with respect to the difficulties for efficient exploration of multi-objective design space in the area of vehicle safety research such as crashworthiness. Although some studies which are given in literature have been carriedout to solve the safety problems such as crashworthiness, they have not been efficiently solved yet. Recently, significant research in the area of vehicle safety and light weight vehicles through simulation based optimization undertaken, and it is expected to continue further resulting in reductions in cost and time for new vehicle development process. The purpose ofthis paper is to explore design optimization approaches for development of light weight cars to satisfy safety needs for automotive structure and its components. In this paper, the shortcomings of traditional approaches, new design optimization approaches, stochastic and intelligent approaches that can be implemented to handle complex and nonlinear models are presented to provide a frame for designer in the vehicle development phase with the focus on enhanced safety for lightweight vehicles in the automotive industry. The full text of this paper may be found at: For the covering abstract see ITRD E145407.


Library number
C 50075 (In: C 49887 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E145679

In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Stuttgart, Germany, June 15-18, 2009, Pp.

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