Developing a self-report method for investigating adolescent road user behaviour.

Elliott, M.A. & Baughan, C.J.

The aim of the present study was to develop a self-report questionnaire to provide a classification of aberrant road user behaviour in adolescent children. An Adolescent Road user Behaviour Questionnaire (ARBQ) was developed, comprising 43 items requiring respondents to rate the frequency with which they engaged in specific examples of road-using behaviour. The questionnaire was completed by 2433 children aged 11-16. Factor analysis showed that responses to the 43 items were best fitted by a three-factor solution. Factor 1 comprised items relating to "unsafe road crossing behaviour", factor 2 comprised items related to "dangerous playing in the road", and factor 3 comprised items which as a group were termed "planned protective behaviour". A revised 21-item ARBQ was produced by selecting the items that loaded most strongly on the three factors. The 21-item instrument had good internal reliability. The effects of demographic variables on ARBQ scale scores were investigated. This study provided a tool that could be used in the future by researchers investigating adolescent road user safety. Possible avenues for future research include applying the ARBQ to the study of adolescents' road accident involvement, and the study of the psychological variables that predict the ARBQ scales. (A) "Reprinted with permission from Elsevier".

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I E124078 /83 / ITRD E124078

Transportation Research, Part F. 2004 /11. 7(6) Pp373-93 (36 Refs.)

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