Development and review of driver training research needs. Volume II: Final recommended research plan.

Bowring, E.R. Sims, D.M. & Ware, A.S.

Volume II presents the final Research Plan which is comprised of 14 recommended research topics. The 14 topics are presented in a rank-ordered sequence as derived from the Review Board evaluation process. The topics are presented as follows: Risk Assessment, Teacher Preparation, Hazard Perception, Quality Control. Module Effectiveness, Training Technology Transfer, Performance Standards, Program Supervision Development, Remedial Teacher Prepara- tion, Behavioral Analysis of Accidents, transferable TSE Program, Computer-Based Training Modules, Psycho-Motor Test and Alternate Delivery Agency.

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Library number
B 22611 /83.5/ IRRD 258414

Washington, D.C., Pabon Sims Smith & Association Inc., 1980, 172 p., ref.; DOT HS 805 643 / NTIS B 81- 145955

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