The development of a driver alertness monitoring system.

Richardson, J.H.

This chapter describes the monitoring of driver alertness as part of a project to develop a reliable in-vehicle warning system which could be incorporated into an intelligent vehicle highway system. Driver fatigue was measured in a series of trials. The first used a laboratory simulator to collect psycho-physiological data from drivers experiencing levels of fatigue that could not be induced on public roads. The second trial involved a real driving task on a private airfield with sleep-deprived drivers. The final trial used a 150 mile motorway loop without sleep deprivation. Graphs are presented which show changes in drowsiness with time. For the covering abstract see C 45915 (IRRD 876074).

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Library number
C 45933 (In: C 45915) /83 /91 / IRRD 876092

In: Fatigue and driving : driver impairment, driver fatigue and driving simulation, edited by L.R. Hartley, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1995, p. 219-229, 7 ref.

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