Development prospects for European transport between East and West: Railway transport.

Seidenfus, H.S.

Specific problems foreseen in the sphere of transport between Eastern and Western Europe are considered, in particular disparities in the level of development. Economic restructuring in the East, its effects on trade and implications for transport policy are discussed. Proposals for the modernisation of railways in Eastern Europe are outlined based on the Master Plan drawn up by the International Union of Railways in 1989. Details of infrastructure projects planned on both passenger and freight lines are given and estimates of cost made. Changes are also described which will be required in the field of transport operations. The possibilities for linking up the existing combined freight traffic networks in the East and West are examined. The author acknowledges the expected increase in traffic between East and West but sees problems in organising railway operations so as to maximise their true potential.

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Library number
C 14374 (In: C 14367 S) /72 / IRRD 853522

In: Prospects for East-West European Transport : proceedings of the international seminar, Paris, December 6-7, 1990, p. 263-309, 17 ref.

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