Directing driver attention with augmented reality cues.

Rusch, M.L. Schall Jr., M.C. Gavin, P. Lee, J.D. Dawson, J.D. Vecera, S. & Rizzo, M.

This simulator study evaluated the effects of augmented reality (AR) cues designed to direct the attention of experienced drivers to roadside hazards. Twenty-seven healthy middle-aged licensed drivers with a range of attention capacity participated in a 54 mile (1.5 h) drive in an interactive fixed-base driving simulator. Each participant received AR cues to potential roadside hazards in six simulated straight (9 mile long) rural roadway segments. Drivers were evaluated on response time for detecting a potentially hazardous event, detection accuracy for target (hazard) and non-target objects, and headway with respect to the hazards. Results showed no negative outcomes associated with interference. AR cues did not impair perception of non-target objects, including for drivers with lower attentional capacity. Results showed near significant response time benefits for AR cued hazards. AR cueing increased response rate for detecting pedestrians and warning signs but not vehicles. AR system false alarms and misses did not impair driver responses to potential hazards. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20130012 ST [electronic version only]

Transportation Research Part F - Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 16 (January 2013), p. 127-137, 44 ref.

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