On the distinction between violations and errors: sensation seeking associations.

Rimmo-P, A. & Aaberg, L.

In this study about 700 young adult Swedish drivers aged 18-27 yr responded to a questionnaire on sensation seeking, the tendency to engage in risky behaviours, four types of aberrant driving behaviour (violations, mistakes, inattention and inexperience errors), traffic offences and accident involvement. These results suggest, not unreasonably, a differential relationship between different aspects of sensation seeking and aberrant driving behaviour. Whereas sensation seeking explained a large part of the variation in the violations factor, it accounted for very little of the variance in the other aberrant driving behaviour factors. This finding corresponds reasonably well with a hypothesis calling for a distinction between violations and errors. Still after controlling for the effect of exposure the self-reported accidents were associated with self-reported violations and driving mistakes. Self-reported traffic offences were associated with violations. Consequently, the violations and mistakes factors proved to be stable predictors of offences and accidents. The hierarchical approach taken in this study also shows how the construct of sensation seeking may be associated with aberrant driving behaviour. (Author/publisher).

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Library number
I E104403 /83 / ITRD E104403

Transportation Research, Part F: Traffic Psychology And Behaviour. 1999 /09. 2f(3) Pp151-66 (47 Refs.)

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