Doelgroeprapport verkeer en vervoer : motorfietsen en bromfietsen. In opdracht van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieuhygiëne VROM, Directoraat-Generaal Milieubeheer, Directie Geluid en Verkeer.

Thomas, R.

This report describes a number of aspects of the ownership and use of motor-cycles and mopeds in The Netherlands, in particular with respect to emissions to the air, formation of solid waste, and fuel consumption. The processes in which emissions and solid waste are formed and where fuel is consumed are briefly outlined. The target group comprises Dutch and foreign motor-cycles and mopeds, as far as the ownership and use in The Netherlands is concerned. The following items are reported: 1) overall composition of the Dutch motor-cycle and moped fleet; 2) the mileage (km) covered in The Netherlands; 3) the fuel consumed in The Netherlands; 4) the emission in The Netherlands of compounds like NOx, CO, VOC, particles, CO2 and SO2, and the corresponding emission factors; and 5) the amount of solid waste. Attention is given to the possible technical solutions for decreasing emissions and fuel consumption, and to the possibilities to apply cleaner conversion of primary energy into mechanical energy. Finally the legal standards in force now and in the near future for the emission of NOx, CO, VOC and particles are presented.

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Library number
951438 ST [electronic version only]

Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene RIVM, 1994, V + 19 p., 16 ref.; Rapportnummer ; 773002002

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