Does gendered driving create gendered mobility? Community-related mobility in Finnish women and men aged 65+.

Siren, A. & Blomqvist, L.H.

Older women are a largely invisible group in traffic research literature. Many phenomena related to ageing and transport are however likely to be gendered, although presented as gender neutral in research literature. The present study examined how gender-related differences in car driving and modal choices are reflected in the mobility options and resources of older women and men. The study was carried out as a mail survey among Finnish citizens aged 65 and above (N = 2500). The response rate was 62%. The results showed that older women did not have the option to drive as often as men did. They consequently had poorer overall mobility and were more dependent on being in good health and on getting help from other people for their personal mobility. The results imply that the intersection of both gender and age regimes create different standards for personal mobility for older women than for older men. (A) "Reprinted with permission from Elsevier".


Library number
I E130938 /72 / ITRD E130938

Transportation Research, Part F. 2006 /09. 9(5) Pp374-382 (33 Refs.)

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