Draagvlakonderzoek 2005 : resultaten van een onderzoek onder de Nederlandse bevolking naar draagvlak voor verkeers- en vervoersbeleid 1992 t/m 2005.

Huijgen, G. & Reijmer, I.

Since 1992 Rijkswaterstaat Transport Research Centre has commissioned annual research into the support among the Dutch public for its transport policy. This annual monitor reveals developments in the public’s support for accessibility, traffic safety and quality of life. The monitor consists of two parts: a quantitative survey with a qualitative underpinning. The general public’s perception on transport and traffic problems remains stable. The four most important problem areas are:(1) crime, law and order, (2) health and care, (3) incomes, prices and taxes and (4) work and employment. Just like in 2004, transport and traffic issues lies in 5th place on a list of societal problems, but is assessed as somewhat more severe than last year. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20131565 ST [electronic version only]

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, 2005, XII + 64 p.

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