Dragnet vehicle arresting system. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1970.

Hayes, G.G. T.J. Hirsch & D.L. Ivey

The "dragnet" vehicle arresting system consists of a net made of steel cables attached at each end to metal bends energy absorbing devices. The system was subjected to six full-scale automobile crash tests in order to evaluate its performance in stopping a speeding vehicle over a relatively short distance with acceptable deceleration levels. A theoretical analysis of the system was made and the results compared with the test data. The mathematical approximation correlated satisfactory with experiment.

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Library number
A 4485 fo IRRD 51441

Texas, Texas Transportation Institute, 1970. 49 p., tab., graph., foto's. / Also published in: Highway Research Record HRR ; No. 306.

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