Drink/driver rehabilitation courses in England and Wales. Prepared for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Road Safety Division.

Davies, G.P. Harland, G. & Broughton, J.

The Road Traffic Act 1991 allowed certain Courts to offer drink/drive offenders the opportunity of attending a rehabilitation course. If offenders successfully completed the course, the period of disqualification from driving was reduced by up to a quarter. The Transport Research Laboratory monitored the effect of the courses for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). This report summarises the design of the experiment and describes the results. Rehabilitation training is found to have a positive effect on offender attitudes and knowledge. The reconviction rate of the rehabilitated drivers 36 months after the initial conviction was less than half of the rate for drink/drive offenders. (A)


Library number
C 15071 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD E102814

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1999, IV + 34 p., 10 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 426 - ISSN 0968-4107

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