Drinking, driving and the price of automobile insurance.

Sloan, F.A. & Githens, P.B.

This study describes premium penalties imposed by insurers for drunk driving and other chargeable accidents, assessed why variations in premiums for drivers with clean records and adverse records differ across states and insurers, and determines the effect of imposing penalties on persons convicted of drunk driving. There are significant differences among insurers in treatment of violators, both in underwriting and in premium setting - which are in part attributable to state policies, such as imposition of take-all-comer rules. Imposing premium surcharges for a charge of drunk driving has a significant deterrent effect on the probability of drinking and driving. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 22261 [electronic version only]

Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 61 (1994), No. 1 (March), p. 33-58, 25 ref.

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