To drive or not to drive, that isn't the question - the meaning of self-regulation among older drivers.

Donorfio, L.K.M. d'Ambrosio, L. Coughlin, J.F. & Mohyde, M.

As a society, we must realize the importance of driving in maintaining independence, feelings of self-worth, and being connected to life and society. This research presents the qualitative findings of a nationwide survey of drivers over the age of 50. The results revealed that older drivers define self-regulation as much more than the changes in behaviors due to declining health and ability. The older adults in our research strongly emphasized the psychological processes surrounding independence, self-worth, remaining connected to life and society, and what role the automobile plays. Household composition impacted decisions related to self-regulation. For instance, those from a two-person household were more willing to let their partner drive or share in the driving, while those who lived alone were less likely to self-regulate their driving. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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Library number
I E146710 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E146710

Journal of Safety Research. 2009. 40(3) Pp221-226 (28 Refs.)

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