Driver behaviour and training, Volume III [: driver behaviour and training : based on the contributions for the Third International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training, Dublin, 12-13 November 2007].

Dorn, L. (ed.)

Research on driver behaviour over the past two decades has clearly demonstrated that driver's goals and motivations are important determinants of driver behaviour. The importance of this work is underlined by statistics: WHO figures show that road accidents are predicted to be the number three cause of death and injury by 2020 (currently more than 20 million deaths and injuries p.a.). The objective of the third volume, and of the conference on which it is based, is to describe and discuss recent advances in the study of driving behaviour and driver training. It bridges the gap between practitioners in road safety, and theoreticians investigating driving behaviour, from a number of different perspectives and related disciplines. A major focus is to consider how driver training and education needs to be adapted to raise awareness of the personal characteristics that contribute to unsafe driving behaviour with the aim of developing and reporting interventions to improve road safety. The contributors consider the novice driver problem, emotions and driver behaviour, at-work road safety, technological interventions, human factors and the road environment and rider behaviour. The readership for this volume includes researchers from a variety of different academic backgrounds, senior practitioners in road safety, including regulatory authorities, the police service, and private and public sector personnel working with drivers and motorcyclists. Contents: Preface; Part 1 The Novice Driver Problem: How do 'significant others' influence young people's beliefs about driving?, Amanda Green and Lisa Dorn; Piloting a telemetric data tracking system to assess post-training real driving performance of young novice drivers, Robert B. Isler, Nicola J. Starkey, Peter Sheppard and Chris Yu; Fault correction or self-assessment. Which way forward?, Ian Edwards and Tracey Curle; New elements in the Dutch practical driving test; a pilot study, Jan Vissers, Jolieke Mesken, Erik Roelofs and René Claesen; Personality and attitudinal predictors of traffic offences among young drivers: a prospective analysis, Lisa Wundersitz and Nicholas Burns; Pre-driving attitudes and non-driving road user behaviours: does the past predict future driving behaviour?, Helen N. Mann and Mark J.M. Sullman; Prediction of problem driving risk in novice drivers in Ontario: part II outcome at 2 years, Laurence Jerome and Al Segal. Part 2 Emotions and Driver Behaviour: A review of studies on emotions and road user behaviour, Jolieke Mesken, Marjan Hagenzieker and Talib Rothengatter; A comparison of the propensity for angry driving scale and the short driving anger scale, Mark J.M. Sullman; Aggression and non-aggression amongst 6 types of drivers, Évelyne F. Vallières, Pierre McDuff, Robert J. Vallerand and Jacques Bergeron; The influence of age differences on coping style and driver behaviour, Elizabeth Andrews and Stephen Westerman. Part 3 At Work Road Safety: Effects of organisational safety culture on driver behaviours and accident involvement amongst professional drivers, Bahar Öz and Timo Lajunen; Stages of change in the Australian workplace and its application to driver education, Tamara Banks, Jeremy Davey and H. Biggs; Prospective relationships between physical activity, 'need for recovery', and driver accidents and absenteeism, Adrian Taylor and Lisa Dorn; Predicting high risk behaviours in a fleet setting: implications and difficulties utilising behaviour measurement tools, Jeremy Davey, James Freeman and Darren Wishart; Driver celeration behaviour in training and regular driving, Anders af Wåhlberg and Lennart Melin; A study of contemporary modifications to the Manchester driver behaviour questionnaire for organisational fleet settings, James Freeman, Jeremy Davey and Darren Wishart; A comparison of seat belt use between work time and free time driving among Turkish taxi drivers, Özlem Simsekoglu and T. Lajunen; A review of developing and implementing Australian fleet safety interventions: a case study approach update, Darren Wishart, Jeremy Davey and James Freeman; Designing a psychometrically based self-assessment to address fleet driver risk, Lisa Dorn and Julie Gandolfi. Part 4 Technological Interventions, Driver Behaviour and Road Safety: Development of multimedia tests for responsive driving, Erik Roelofs, Marieke van Onna, Reinoud Nägele, Jolieke Mesken, Maria Kuiken and Esther Cozijnsen; The effect of simulation training on novice driver accident rates, R. Wade Allen, George D. Park and Marcia L. Cook; Driving experience and simulation of accident scenarios, Catherine Berthelon, Claudine Nachtergaële and Isabelle Aillerie; Investigating the contexts in which in-vehicle navigation system users have received and followed inaccurate route guidance instructions, Nick Forbes and Gary Burnett; Comparison of novice drivers in Austria and the Czech Republic with and without the use of intelligent speed adaptation, Christine Turetschek and Ralf Risser. Part 5 Human Factors and the Road Environment: What factors are involved in crashes, how do we measure them and what shall we do about them?, Frank McKenna; Driver training and assessment: implications of the task-difficulty homeostasis model, Ray Fuller; Do we really drive by the seat of our pants?, Neale Kinnear, Steve Stradling and Cynthia McVey; The impact of subjective factors on driver vigilance: a driving simulator study, Jérémy Vrignon, Andry Rakotonirainy, Dominique Gruyer and Guillaume Saint Pierre; The use of local case review panels to determine contributory factors crash data, Peter Hillard, David Logan and Brian Fildes; The effectiveness of new seat belt legislation in Northern Ireland, A.R. Woodside, J.R. Seymour and C. Gallagher. Part 6 Rider Behaviour: An evaluation of the Portuguese moped rider training programme, Patricia António and M. Matos; Flow, task capability and powered 2-wheeler (PTW) rider training, Paul Broughton; Understanding inappropriate high speed by motorcyclists: a qualitative analysis, Barbara Hannigan, Ray Fuller, H.Bates, Martin Gormley, Steve Stradling, Paul Broughton, Neale Kinnear and C. O'Dolan; Index. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20080491 ST

Aldershot [etc.], Ashgate, 2008, XVIII + 501 p., 457 ref.; Human Factors in Road and Rail Transport - ISBN 978-0-7546-7203-6

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