Driver characteristics affecting vehicle condition and response to a motor vehicle inspection program.

Creswell, J.S.

In the previous article, the overall results of HSRI's recent evaluation of the Michigan check lane from of vehicle inspection were reported. This article concerns one major phase of the evaluation: interviews of some 5,500 drivers whose vehicles were included in a sample inspection procedure. Four major areas are explored: (1) Demographic characteristics of the sample, (2) operator characteristics affecting vehicle condition, (3) The extent of public knowledge about the program, (4) Driver reaction to the check lane procedures. Analysis of the interviews indicated many differences in the population, Generalizations are risky, but the data indicate two rather broad groups of drivers.

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Hit Lab Reports, Vol. 4 (1974), No. 6 (February), p. 1-13, 2 fig., 8 tab., 9 ref.

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