Driver distractions : characteristics underlying drivers' risk perceptions.

Titchener, K. & Wong, I.Y.

Driver distraction is a research area that continues to receive considerable research interest but the drivers' perspective is less well documented. The current research focuses on how drivers perceive the risks associated with a range of driver distractions with the aim of identifying features that contribute to their risk perception judgements. Multidimensional scaling analysis was employed to better understand drivers' risk perceptions for 15 in-vehicle and external distractions. Results identify both salient qualitative characteristics that underpin drivers' risk perceptions, such as the probability of a crash, as well as identify other features inherent in the distractions that may also contribute to risk perceptions. The implications of the results are discussed for better understanding drivers' perceptions of distractions and the potential for improving road safety messages related to distracted driving. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20101924 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Risk Research, Vol. 13 (2010), No. 6 (September), p. 771-780, 28 ref.

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