The driver fatigue and alertness study : a plan for research.

Freund, D.M. Wylie, C.D. & Woodle, C.

The Driver Fatigue and Alertness Study forms part of a wider programme set up by the Federal Highway Administration to address issues of commercial motor vehicle driver proficiency. Details are given of the objectives of the study, its funding and administration. The collection of field data is described. Instrumentation included a lane-tracking device, forward-facing and driver-facing video cameras, a video recorder with screen splitter, steering wheel angle and speed sensors, temperature and humidity sensors and a portable vagal tone monitor. Scalp, facial and chest electrodes were also worn. Drivers drove specified routes and slept in facilities provided, generating a large volume of data. Counter measures to the loss of alertness are discussed. Driver-controlled alertness maintainers will be examined in the next section of the study. For the covering abstract see C 45915 (IRRD 876074).

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Library number
C 45918 (In: C 45915) /83 / IRRD 876077

In: Fatigue and driving : driver impairment, driver fatigue and driving simulation, edited by L.R. Hartley, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1995, p. 33-39, 1 ref.

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