Driver performance measurement and analysis system. (DPMAS). Task 1: Requirements and plans for prototype equipment.

McRuer, D.T. Peters, R.A. Ringland, R.F. Allen, R.W. & Blauvelt, A.A.

This report develops and summarizes the measurement and hardware requirements which specify the design and projected use of the system. The requirements evolve from consideration of several basis experimental areas, driver/vehicle/environment interaction studies, driver training and licensing, and research into abnormal driver behaviour as induced by alcohol, drugs, fatigue, or unusual stress. Sensors, signal conditioners, and data acquisition and recording techniques and equipment to translate these requirements into reality are described.

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Library number
B 7491 /83/

Hawthorne, Systems Technology Inc. 1974, 160 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; NTIS PB-236987 / DOT HS 801 234.

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