Driving simulator research.

Hulbert, S. & Wojcik, C.

A research and development program for a driving simulation facility is described. Two separate devices are analyzed along with results of testing a number of driver subjects. Dynamometer facility simulates driving on a newly surfaced road. Driver reponses are reported on four channels of brush six-channel, ink-writing recorder. Vehicle speed, steering movements, brake and accelerator pdeal action, and the driver's galvanic skin response are recorded along with written notations about the motion picture events being shown to him. A tilting chair facility provides simulation of the physical forces experienced while driving. The essence of this device lies in the fact that both the projection screen and projector are attached to the drivers compartment and, therefore, move with that cockpit when it is tilted. Motion picture techniques are also described. Discussion is presented of what has been learned about driving simulation techniques and what has been learned about driver reactions, responses and opinions. A table presents traffic situations along with the corresponding types of visual display system and example of the types of problems that may be investigated.

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Highway Research Board Bulletin, 1960, No. 261, p. 1-13, 4 ref.

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