Drugs other than alcohol and driving in the European Union. Study conducted with the support of the European Road Safety Federation ERSF and the Commission of the European Communities CEC, the Directorate General for Transport.

Gier, J.J. de

This report provides a description of the consensus achieved by experts from eight EU Member States (Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden and Italy) regarding the hazards posed by drugs other than alcohol for driving safety. These experts were asked to present summarized descriptions of existing national statistics, legislation, information and education programmes and research needs. The first section of the report provides definitions and terminology on drugs other than alcohol agreed upon by the experts. The second section gives basic data concerning the prevalence of drug use in the presumed driving population and known drug use among drivers involved in traffic accidents and drivers stopped for suspicion of "driving under the influence". The section of required research indicates major research needs in two directions epidemiology and drug catorization.

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Library number
C 39581 [electronic version only] /80 /83 / IRRD 875439

Maastricht, University of Limburg RL, Institute for Human Psychopharmacology IHP, 1995, 50 p., 18 ref. ; IHP 95-54 - ISBN 90-5147-027-4

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