Dynamische rijstrookmarkeringen (DRM) : een zoektocht naar kansrijke DRM-toepassingen. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.


In order to gain more practical experiences with dynamic lane marking (DRM) the Netherlands Transport Research Centre (AVV) wants to identify likely tests with DRM. The focus is on the functional applications of DRM, and not so much on the technique itself. DHV Milieu & Infrastructuur was commissioned to prepare and accompany a search for functional applications. This report contains an inventory of possible DRM applications on the basis of available knowledge from a literature review and interviews held with a number of experts working at different government levels. The possible applications are classified by the motorway network (HWN) and the regional network (OWN), and each application is outlined for two situations: the off-peak and peak period. In a workshop, the possible applications were evaluated. Before presenting the results of these evaluations, the evaluation criteria are mentioned. Finally, conclusions are made, and recommendations are presented for the HWN network.

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Library number
C 24895 [electronic version only]

Amersfoort, DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur, 2003, 35 + 6 p., 13 ref.; Dossier T3080-01.001

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