Een botsing tussen betalen en bepalen : (onbedoelde) ruimtelijke en/of economische effecten van de financiering van infrastructuur op het verplaatsings- en vestigingsgedrag van mensen en bedrijven.

Boer, M. de & Hanou, M.

In this paper, different forms of financing infrastructure are discussed, including their advantages and disadvantages on settling behaviour and on traffic behaviour. Solving congestion due to increasing numbers of commuters that commute longer distances than they did before in the Amsterdam region is the main focal point of attention. Basic economics of supply and demand are taken into account to explain and predict future developments in the demand for housing both of dwellers and businesses as well as the use of infrastructure caused by different forms of financing (for example, road pricing/toll, the financing of projects on a project level and regional infrastructure funds). The authors take a stand in favour of the founding of regional infrastructure funds. (A)

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Library number
C 19194 (In: C 19126 c [electronic version only]) /10 /72 / ITRD E206380

In: Wie betaalt bepaalt! : 27ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 2000 : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 30 november en 1 december 2000, deel 3, p. 1199-1213, 13 ref.

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