Een provinciaal meetnet voor de verkeersveiligheid : een verkennende studie in Zuid-Holland. In opdracht van de Commissie Provinciaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zuid-Holland.

Janssen, S.T.M.C.

Road authorities and police corpses in the province of Zuid-Holland gather data in many ways on a variety of traffic activities such as traffic counts, speed measurements, and alcohol controls. The Provincial Road Safety Board of Zuid-Holland would like to monitor the provincial road safety with this data. It would also like to estimate the effects of infrastructural and behaviour-influencing measures at certain locations. This could save money and efficiently allocate manpower. That is why the Zuid-Holland Board has taken the initiative of developing a Provincial Road Safety Data Network (PRSDN). SWOV, at their request, has made a design for this network. A PRSDN does not only contain an inventory of data from a network of measurements; it must also contain basic data such as crash data, road and traffic features, and data on specific measures. In addition, a PRSDN contains a 'policy instrument': a software instrument that processes the gathered data together with the basic data, to produce policy information. It can use a geographic information system (GIS) for specific locations or areas within the network to produce maps of the data and its processing. Theoretically, a policy instrument's result is an optimal package of road safety measures for specific locations. The criterion for an optimal package of measures is the cost-effectiveness. With regard to this, the PRSDN policy instrument also fits the method of SWOV's Regional Road Safety Explorer (RRSE). This can estimate the numbers of fatalities and in-patients for a given choice of measures, and compare them with the costs of these measures. In 2002, the RRSE played a role in determining the regional road safety targets. The calculation component of the RRSE should be part of the PRSDN policy instrument. In this study, the feasibility of a PRSDN was explored, with regard to the composition of the analysis databases, how the instrument works, and its utility for road safety policy. To do this, the method was further developed for use in a small pilot area in the new town of Zoetermeer. Attention was paid to data input in the policy instrument, and to data processing and presentation. These results were then compared with a list of general requirements and preconditions that such an instrument should meet. Finally, this report contains an advice for using the PRSDN on a larger scale, and the instrument development that is necessary.


Library number
C 30318 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E206801

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2004, 78 p., 7 ref.; R-2004-17

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