Effect of driving experience on visual behavior and driving performance under different driving conditions.

Nabatilan, L.B. Aghazadeh, F. Nimbarte, A.D. Harvey, C.C. & Chowdhury, S.K

Driving experience plays a significant role in drivers' ability to balance the primary task of operating a vehicle with the secondary task interference of tasks such as using a cell phone. The driving performance of thirty-eight drivers with different levels of driving experience was evaluated during simple versus complex driving tasks, with and without cell phone usage. Driving performance was measured by the visual behavior of the drivers using eye-tracking systems, driving error and a subjective work load assessment tool. Novice drivers were found to fixate more on the dashboard area than on the front and center view, while experienced drivers fixated more on the front and center view than the dashboard area. This was true for both simple and complex driving tasks, though complex tasks had a lower percentage of total fixations. The study concluded that a decline in driving performance results from the visual distraction caused by the secondary task of cell phone usage. Driving errors were found to be lower for experienced drivers than drivers with less experience, though all drivers committed more errors while using cell phones. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20140725 ST [electronic version only]

Cognition, Technology and Work, Vol. 14 (2012), No. 3 (May/June), p. 355-363, 35 ref.

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