The effect of short cars on flow and speed in downtown traffic : a simulation model and some results.

MC Clenahan, J.W. & Simkowitz, H.J.

The flow of vehicles down one lane of a straight, signalized urban street with fixed cycle traffic lights at 500 ft. intervals was simulated by means of a Fortran IV computer program. A car- following model and a simple model off lead- driver behaviour were used to model driver responses. Results are presented in tables. Validation of the simulation model was provided by traffic flow counts and speed measurements: correspondence between model and reality was close.

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Library number
B 11228 fo /71/73.1/ IRRD 43782

Transportion Science, Vol. 3 (1969), No. 2, p. 126-139, 2 fig., 4 graph., 3 tab., 7 ref.

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