Effect of sleep deprivation and driving duration on the useful visual field in younger and older subjects during simulator driving.

Rogé, J. Pébayle, T. Hannachi, S.E. & Muzet, A.

Nine older subjects (40-51 years) and 10 younger subjects (18-30 years) took part in two one-hour driving sessions. They performed a very monotonous task during which they had to follow a vehicle either after a complete night of sleep or after one night of sleep deprivation. While driving their useful visual field was assessed by introducing signals that would appear on the whole road scene.The analysis of the data indicates that the ability to process peripheral signals deteriorates with age, driving duration and sleep deprivation. However, the effects of these three variables on the peripheral visual ability are not similar in a dual task. The driver's useful visual field changes with age and prolongation of the monotonous driving activity according to a tunnel vision phenomenon. On the other hand, a sleep debt deteriorates the useful visual field according to a general interference phenomenon. These results are discussed in terms of decrease in the level of arousal and increase of fatigue. (Author/publisher)

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C 25500 [electronic version only]

Vision Research, Vol. 43 (2003), No. 13 (June), p. 1465-1472, 29 ref.

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