Effect of studded tires on skid resistance and pavement wear.


An investigation was performed to obtain information on the pavement damage which might be caused by studded tires. In addition, tests were conducted to determine whether the studs would increase traction on ice and packed snow and if the studded tires would be more slippery than plain treads on wet or dry pavements. A studded snow tire and an identical snow tire without studs were purchased. These were mounted on the department skid test trailer. Tests were performed by locking a trailer wheel and sliding the test tire at a constant speed of 30 miles per hour. Over 100 tests were performed with the studded tire on ice and snow, as well as wet dry, bituminous and concrete pavements. After each test the road surface was examined for damage. It was determined that the studded tires did not cause significant pavement damage. The studded tires increased traction on ice about 40 percent and on packed snow about 9 percent. The studded and unstudded tires provided approximately the same amount of traction on bare pavements either wet or dry.

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New York State Department Public Works, Bureau Physical Research, 1965, 11 p.; Report RR 65-3

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.