Effecten van het instellen van eenrichtingverkeer op de verkeersveiligheid binnen de bebouwde kom : een vooronderzoek.

Riemersma, J.B.J. & Sijmonsma, R.M.M.

Starting from a given data base, consisting of data on accidents in four towns, a study was carried out on the possibilities of an analysis of this material leading to more specific statements with regard to the relations between one-way traffic measures and indicators of traffic safety. This resulted in the choice of a particular testing procedure. Results make it clear that a complete analysis is possible.

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Library number
B 14069 S /71/72/ IRRD 238534

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO, 1978, 19 p., graph., tab., 4 ref.; Rapport IZF-1978-C 19

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