Effecten van het tarievenplan openbaar vervoer 1984-1987 op de verkeersveiligheid. Consult in opdracht van de Tweede Kamer-fractie van de Partij van de Arbeid.

Minnen, J. van Wegman, F.C.M. & Wittink, R.D.

In January 1983 the Minister of Transport has offered the Tariff Plan Public Transport 1984-1987 to the Parliament. The Dutch Socialist Party has asked the SWOV to study the effects of the Plan. -The estimation of the consequences are preliminary. In total some tens of fatalities and 1500-2000 persons for treatment in hospitals more are expected if the plan should be introduced.


Library number
B 23319 [electronic version only] /71/81/ IRRD 277209

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1983, 26 p., 15 ref.; R-83-43

SWOV publication

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