Effecten van hooggeplaatste remlichten : een vervolgstudie van de literatuur verschenen na 1984.

Schoon, C.C.

In the year 1984, SWOV Institute for RoaedSafety Research first examined various studies into the impact of high-mounted stop lamps on road safety. SWOV found that it could not be stated unequivocally that they had a favourable impact on road safety. After these lamps became obligatory in the United States in September 1985, their effect on accidents was studied. It was found that there had been a 17% reduction in the number of rear collisions. When SWOV recalculated the figures, it found the reduction to be 13%. However, the reliability of these figures is doubted. It is impossible to predict the impact for the Netherlands in percentage terms, because of: (1) the effect of the compulsory introduction of high-mounted stop lights varied greatly between the various American states; and (2) the rear light configuration of European cars is different from that of American vehicles. Laboratory tests were used to calculate the effect of high-mounted stoplamps in a scenario where rear lamps were left permanently switched on during the day. High-mounted stop lamps would probably have a positive impact in the Netherlands. Neither compulsory introduction nor prohibition of these lamps was recommended.


Library number
C 1631 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 860392

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 26 + 4 p., 14 ref.; R-93-8

SWOV publication

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