Effecten VCP Groningen op het verkeer.

Hurenkamp, H.G. & Lee, J.J. van der

A great number of sub-surveys has been carried out after the effects on traffic of the Groningen Traffic Management Scheme. Taking everything at a glance one can state that the main objective of the TMS, viz. a restraint of motor car traffic in the inner city, has been accomplished to a great extent (-47% for passenger cars), whereas car accessibility of the city centre has only been slightly affected. Motor car trips with origin or destination within the inner city decreased by only a small percentage.

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Library number
B 18108 T [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 253217

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 1 (januari), p. 29-33, 7 fig., 7 tab., 10 ref.

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