Effectiveness agricultural vehicle interventions on rural distributor roads

analysis of the impact of infrastructural interventions on rural distributor roads, to reduce negative effects of agricultural vehicles on traffic safety, traffic flow and environment. Master Thesis Delft University of Technology.
Ammerlaan, D.J.A.W.

Royal HaskoningDHV developed a measuring method in 2010 to measure traffic volume and driving behaviour of agricultural vehicles (AVs) on rural distributor roads. In this way is it possible to measure the number of AVs and determine effects of these vehicles on traffic flow and behaviour. The measuring is starting point for further research for infrastructural interventions that provinces implement for AVs. Problem is that provinces implement different type of interventions, which lead to unpredictable situations and effects. Besides, effects of interventions are unknown. This research shows effects of these interventions on traffic flow, safety and environment analysed for AVs as well as other traffic by making use of a microscopic simulation. The road type investigated is a rural distributor road type II. This road exists of one roadway with one lane per direction and a speed limit of 80 km/h. AVs in this research consist of all agricultural and forestry tractors and motor vehicles with speed restrictions, which have no license plate. The speed limit for these vehicles on all roads in the Netherlands is 25km/h. However, on rural distributor roads most AVs have restricted speed: up to 40 to 60km/h. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20130164 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, 2012, XIV + 131 p., ref.

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