Effectiveness and driver acceptance of a semi-autonomous forward obstacle collision avoidance system.

Itoh, M. Horikome, T. & Inagaki, T.

This paper proposes a semi-autonomous collision avoidance system for the prevention of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians and objects on a road. The system is designed to be compatible with the human-centered automation principle, i.e., the decision to perform a manoeuvre to avoid a collision is made by the driver. However, the system is partly autonomous in that it turns the steering wheel independently when the driver only applies the brake, indicating his or her intent to avoid the obstacle. With a medium-fidelity driving simulator, we conducted an experiment to investigate the effectiveness of this system for improving safety in emergency situations, as well as its acceptance by drivers. The results indicate that the system effectively improves safety in emergency situations, and the semi-autonomous characteristic of the system was found to be acceptable to drivers. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20130571 ST [electronic version only]

Applied Ergonomics, 2013, February 28 [Epub ahead of print], 8 p., 32 ref.

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