The effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position: a meta-analysis

Driel, C.J.G. van; Davidse, R.J.; Maarseveen, M.F.A.M. van
This paper presents a meta-analysis of studies that have evaluated the effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position of motorised road users. Together with many other study characteristics, 41 estimates of the effects of an edgeline on speed and 65 on lateral position were extracted from the studies. The results of the evaluation studies show a great variety in effects. Both negative and positive effects on speed and lateral position were found; amongst others, increases in speed up to 10.6 km/h, as well as decreases in speed up to 5.0 km/h, and shifts of the lateral position towards the centre of the road up to 30 cm, as well as shifts towards the edge of the road up to 35 cm. Further analyses resulted in the determination of study characteristics that influence the effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position. It is concluded that the effects of an edgeline on speed are related to the presence of a centreline. Applying an edgeline to a road without a centreline increases the speed of road users, and replacing a centreline by an edgeline decreases the speed. Results with respect to adding an edgeline to a road with a centreline were unclear. Another conclusion is that shoulder width and road environment contribute to the effects of an edgeline on lateral position. In combination with wide shoulders or buildings and/or trees next to the road, edgelines lead to shifts of the lateral position towards the edge of the road, and in combination with narrow shoulders or open fields, edgelines lead to shifts towards the centre of the road.

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Published in
Accident Analysis & Prevention
36 (4)

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