Effects of roadway and roadside design on road safety.

Tracz, H.M. & Gaca, S.

The first part of the paper presents a method of in-depth analysis developed in order to identify critical points, circumstances in which accidents occur and main, potential factors of road accident risk on the basis of computer accident data base. The developed procedure has a character of comprehensive analysis; linking accident data with road, roadside and road environment data and traffic data too. In order to examine the efficiency of roadway and roadside design policy, use of measures like: hard shoulders, climbing lanes, bus stop bays, access control (placement of parkings, bars and services) were analysed, giving striking results. In the group of traffic factors specific attention was given to speed and its to speed and its distribution and to disrespect to speed limits along the critical sections, possibilities of speed reduction. This element was supported by several speed measurements along sections with and without speed limits. Identifying blackspots and accident circumstances, the authors set up together typical road design errors and characteristics of a roadside-favouring accident occurrence. Although mainly rural sections were included in the analysis, accidents involving pedestrians significantly contributed in accident statistics and therefore a special procedure of analysis was developed for these accidents. The procedure is illustrated by a case study for a segment of national two-lane road and results of accident analysis from all studied sections.

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In: Proceedings of the conference Road Safety in Europe and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), Lille, France, September 26-28, 1994, VTI Konferens 2A, Part 2, p. 231-245, 3 ref.

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