Efficienter verkeersveiligheidsonderzoek met botsingssimulator IW-TNO.

Asmussen, E.

In this article a description is given of the process in which kinetic energy in vehicles is built op. On this a scheme of control strategies is based, in which six stages can be determined. These range from the reduction of damage to the restriction of movements and activities. A scheme of crash research conducted on both actual accidents and simulated crashes is also given. The importance of multi-disciplinary co-operation is stressed.


Library number
B 18118 [electronic version only] /01 / IRRD 242946

Voorburg, Stichting Wegenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1979, fig.; R-79-14 / Ook gepubliceerd in: Verkeerskunde, Vol. 30 (1979), No. 7 (juli), p. 323-325.

SWOV publication

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