Elektronica in vrachtauto's.

Sluis, J. van der

The aim of this study is to investigate the current and future electronic use in heavy trucks. The study investigates particularly the road safety consequences and the means the government has to stimulate safe electronic devices. Electronic applications can be divided into telematics and in-car electronics. The study gives an overview of current telematics applications by Dutch transport companies. At the moment, telematics is used international transport. It is expected that the possibilities provided by both satellite communication and by Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will increase heavy goods transport efficiency. The government has to play an important role in both providing information and in installing the communication infrastructure. Another promising area for the government in the telematics field is automated traffic control. However, some judicial problems (privacy) have to be resolved. The Accident Data Recorder and the Anti-lock Braking Systems are examples of in-car electronic devices. In the future, in-car electronics will be used to support the driver. The price of sensors is expected to be the key factor in further in-car electronic developments. Electronics can enhance road safety, but caution should be exercised. Risk compensation and man machine interface have to be investigated on safety aspects thoroughly.


Library number
C 3505 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 873012

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1994, 24 p., 25 ref.; R-94-62

SWOV publication

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