Encountering long road tunnels : opinion polls among car drivers.

Oestenstad, G.

This paper reports the results of surveys among drivers on their subjective reactions to driving through tunnels. The study was carried out in Austria, Norway and Denmark and employed interviews and questionnaires. Drivers were questioned on their perceptions of the tunnel as pleasant or unpleasant and whether they experienced anxiety or oppression. The majority of the driving population reported the experience as unpleasant and causing anxiety: however, most drivers continue to use tunnels. Familiarity of using tunnels is an important factor in the experience. Drivers needed further information on the safety of tunnels. Further research is needed into the effects of apprehensiveness on driving safety.


Library number
C 18655 (In: C 18645 [electronic version only]) /25 /83 / ITRD E109151

In: XXth world road congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, Montreal, 3-9 September 1995 : individual papers presented under the auspices of the committees and working groups, p. 189-194, 11 ref.

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