Ergebnisse der OECD-Road-Research-Group S10 "driver instruction".

Kroj, G.

This report gives an overall review of the discussions, estimations and results to date from an OECD group of experts involved in the problem of driver training. In comparison with other influence factors, the deficiencies in driver training have a serious influence on the total traffic safety picture and the accident rate is comparable to that caused by drunken driving. The proportionally high risk to beginners calls for an improvement in conventional training and testing systems, and for the learner, for example, an effective system to check his success, and for this purpose a questionnaire has been prepared. The stress in future research will concentrate on the various forms of driving instruction, the devising of meaningful learning steps, and the improvement in practical driving tests and driving instructor training.

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C 21052 (In: C 21042) /83 / IRRD 307312

In: Informationen und Mitteilungen des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologen e.V., Sektion Verkehrspsychologie, August 1977, p. 127-137, 15 ref.

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