Ernstig verkeersgewonden in de jaren 2009 en 2010 : update van de cijfers.

Reurings, M.C.B. & Bos, N.M.

Serious road injuries in the years 2009 and 2010; update of the data. Late 2011, SWOV, at the request of the Directorate General Mobility in the Netherlands, embarked on making an estimate of the number of serious road injuries in the years 2009 and 2010. The number for 2009 that was published earlier in 2011 was a provisional number. The reason was that the 2010 data file National Medical Register (LMR) was not yet available; therefore, there was no data about the serious road injuries who were admitted to hospital due to a crash in 2009, but had only be released from hospital in 2010. According to the method SWOV had already developed previously, the number of serious road injuries for the year 2009 has been estimated at 18,880. The serious road injuries in 2009 that have been registered in BRON (Database of Registered Crashes in the Netherlands) as well as those registered in the LMR have been weighted, so as to allow making estimates for a large number of variables like age, sex and month. As in previous years, the weights allotted in BRON can be used for making statements about serious road injuries who were involved in a motor vehicle crash, whereas the weights allotted in LMR can be used for serious road injuries in crashes not involving a motor vehicle.


Library number
C 50691 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 72 p., 6 ref.; R-2012-7

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