Ernstig verkeersgewonden in de periode 1993-2009 : update van de cijfers.

Reurings, M.C.B. & Bos, N.M.

Serious road injuries in the period 1993-2009 : data update. Late 2010, the Directorate-General for Mobility asked SWOV to make an estimate of the number of serious road injuries in 2008 and 2009. The 2008 figure that had already been published in 2010 was a temporary number (Reurings, 2010). The reason for this is that the National Medical Registration (LMR) for the year 2009 was not yet available; therefore there was no data about the serious road injuries who were admitted to a hospital in 2008, but were not discharged until 2009. For the same reason (the LMR data for 2010 is not available yet) the estimated number for 2009 in this report is also temporary. According to the method that SWOV developed earlier, the number of serious road injuries is estimated to be 17,610 in 2008 and 18,580 in 2009. Instead of publishing these two numbers only, it was chosen to also include the time series of the number of serious road injuries for the period 1993-2009 in this report. In earlier publications these numbers were given per year of hospital admission, whereas it is more consistent to publish the number per year of crash, as is done for road fatalities. At the request of the Centre for Transport and Navigation the numbers are also subdivided in categories for several variables. All this information will shortly be available on the SWOV website. The time series of the number of serious road injuries show the developments in the period 1993-2009. In this report no attempt was made to explain these developments. Some of these developments will be studied in the SWOV research programme for 2011.


Library number
C 50320 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2011, 61 p., 2 ref.; R-2011-5

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