Ernstig verkeersgewonden in motorvoertuigongevallen op rijkswegen in 2010 : beschrijving en uitkomst van de schattingsprocedure.

Reurings, M.C.B.

Serious road injuries in crashes involving motor vehicles on roads managed by the national road authority in 2010; Description of the estimation procedure and its findings. Late 2011, SWOV made a preliminary estimation of the number of serious road injuries in 2010, and estimated their number to be approximately 19.200. In previous years it had been possible to determine the number of serious road injuries for different variables, e.g. region, transport mode and road authority, but due to problems with the data system BRON this was no longer possible for 2010. However, for drawing up the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment’s annual report Travelling safely on national roads it is desirable to have data series available about the number of serious road injuries on national roads in the period 1994-2010. The year 2010 is important because a target had been formulated for that year and the Ministry would like to know whether this target has been achieved. At the request of the Ministry SWOV therefore made an estimation of the number of serious road injuries, more specifically only those serious road injuries who had been involved in motor vehicle crashes. As the registration of non-motor vehicle crashes in BRON is minimal, these crashes are best left out of consideration entirely. For the present report this is hardly a drawback, as crashes on national roads are mainly motor vehicle crashes.


Library number
C 50680 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 19 p., 6 ref.; R-2012-5

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