Euro NCAP Assessment Protocol : Vulnerable Road Users Protection. Version 10.0.3.

European New Car Assessment Programme Euro NCAP

Important changes have been made to the Euro NCAP ratings resulting in the introduction of the overall rating scheme. Individual documents are released for the four main areas of assessment: • Adult occupant protection; • Child occupant protection; • Pedestrian protection; • Safety Assist. In addition to these four assessment protocols, a separate document is provided describing the method and criteria by which the overall safety rating is calculated on the basis of the car performance in each of the above areas of assessment. The following protocol deals with the assessments made in the area of pedestrian protection, in particular in the adult and child head, the upper leg form, lower leg form impacts and AEB VRU. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20210130 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels], European New Car Assessment Programme Euro NCAP, 2020, 19 p.

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