Europe's cities modernise their ticketing systems.

Abbott, J.

Singapore recently introduced one of the largest integrated smart card-based transit systems in the world. The advantage of the smart card compared with the simple magnetic strip ticket is that the chip in the card allows more data to be held on the ticket and allows the cards to store value. The introduction of London's Oyster smart card is outlined. Oyster cards were introduced under a Private Finance Initiative project by the TranSys consortium. Paris transport authority RATP has awarded Thales e-Transactions a contract to provide a fully remote electronic ticketing system covering the tram and bus lines in the Ile-de France. ERG and Motorola have been awarded the contract for smart card introduction in Rome, Italy. Ticketing issuing hardware suppliers now offer paper tickets, magstripe tickets and smart cards. The ticketing equipment available form Cubic is described.

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Library number
I E120798 /10 /72 / ITRD E120798

Eurotransport. 2003. (1) Pp37-41

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