Evaluatie proefcursus Educatieve Maatregel Alcohol en verkeer

evaluatie van enkele onderdelen van de Educatieve Maatregel Alcohol en vervoer EMA die zijn opgenomen in een bestaande Alcohol Verkeer Cursus AVC. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Wijnolst, D.M.

From June, 1, 1996 the Dutch Minister of Transport and Public Works is empowered to subject motor vehicle drivers who are stopped and found to have a certain breath or blood alcohol content to the Measure for Alcohol and Traffic (EMA). The persons involved are obliged to cooperate with this behaviour-oriented course; if they do not, the Minister will forthwith declare their driving licence invalid. A trial course was carried out to verify the EMA effectiveness, before the EMA is actually introduced. The assessment was divided into two parts: (1) the evaluation of a limited trial course in 1995; and (2) the evaluation of a full EMA course following official introduction. The limited trial course consisted of an existing two-day Alcohol and Traffic Course (AVC), incorporating some EMA elements. The trial course product evaluation showed that the greater majority of participants felt that they were better able to separate alcohol and traffic, although it proved impossible to indicate how they would in fact do so. In the process evaluation, a number of suggestions to improve the course were given. People were in general positive about the content of the course components and the associated tasks. The course supervisors are positive about the task forms where more independence is required of the participants.


Library number
C 6061 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 884129

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1996, 41 p.; R-96-12

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