Evaluatie van de effecten van herinrichtingsmaatregelen in Eindhoven en Rijswijk

rapportage over de voorperiode van het demonstratieproject Herindeling en herinrichting van stedelijke gebieden ( in de gemeenten Eindhoven en Rijswijk). (Rapport + bijlage)
Janssen, S.T.M.C.

The number of accidents and the number of victims of the areas in the two towns that serve to compare the results of the restructure of areas in Eindhoven and Rijswijk are greatly different and may therefore influence decisions differently. It may make a comparison of the two areas become a faulty one. Compare with B 18473. The after study will follow later.


Library number
B 20477 [electronic version only] /10/21/72/ IRRD 263325

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1980, 87 p. + 8 p., fig., tab., ref.; R-80-40 (I + II)

SWOV publication

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