Evaluation der Kampagne 'Runter vom Gas!' 2016-2019

[Evaluation of the 'Runter vom Gas!' Campaign of 2016 – 2019]
Petersen, T.; Vollbracht, M.

In the spring of 2020, the Allensbach Institute was commissioned by the Federal Highway Research Institute, or BASt, to complete a media response analysis of the "Runter vom Gas" ('Down with speed!') traffic safety campaign that was carried out in the years 2016 to 2020, along with the bicycle helmet campaign using the slogan, 'Looks like shit. But saves my life', which was the subject of intensive discussion, especially on social media, at times over the course of 2019. The media response analysis comprises two elements: first, a representative survey of the population for which a total of 1,305 persons age 16 and over were interviewed face-to-face in the time period from June 20 to August 3, 2020 and, secondly, a content analysis of reporting on the campaigns in the traditional mass media, along with reactions to the campaigns on social media.

Report number
249 + [39]
Library number
20230025 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 81.0020 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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