Evaluation of the impacts of traffic states on crash risks on freeways.

Xu, C. Liu, P. Wang, W. & Li, Z.

The primary objective of this study is to divide freeway traffic flow into different states, and to evaluate the safety performance associated with each state. Using traffic flow data and crash data collected from a northbound segment of the I-880 freeway in the state of California, K-means clustering analysis was conducted to classify traffic flow into five different states. Conditional logistic regression models using case-controlled data were then developed to study the relationship between crash risks and traffic states. Traffic flow characteristics in each traffic state were compared to identify the underlying phenomena that made certain traffic states more hazardous than others. Crash risk models were also developed for different traffic states to identify how traffic flow characteristics such as speed and speed variance affected crash risks in different traffic states. The findings of this study demonstrate that the operations of freeway traffic can be divided into different states using traffic occupancy measured from nearby loop detector stations, and each traffic state can be assigned with a certain safety level. The impacts of traffic flow parameters on crash risks are different across different traffic flow states. A method based on discriminant analysis was further developed to identify traffic states given real-time freeway traffic flow data. Validation results showed that the method was of reasonably high accuracy for identifying freeway traffic states. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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Library number
TRIS 01369838

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012 /07. Vol. 47. Pp162-171 (Figs., Tabs., Refs.)

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